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How long can a Sex doll last and what is the best way to keep it

August 29th, 2022 | Posted by Admin in Sex Doll - (Comments Off on How long can a Sex doll last and what is the best way to keep it)

When buying a life size TPE adult sex doll, since it is a huge investment, you need to know how long a doll can be kept and how to extend its life. Factors such as cleaning the doll, the material it is made of and the storage conditions have a direct impact on the lifespan of a sex doll.

Some of the main factors are described below.

Frequency of use

The duration of a sex doll depends on how often the doll is used. If your white skin sex doll is used for a long time, various parts of the doll may wear out quickly. If this skinny sex doll is not made of high quality materials, some parts may even fall off. dolls are made of high quality medical TPE, which has taken excellent results in the long-term use tests.

Material composition

Different manufacturers make dolls of different raw materials formula, will also affect the life of the doll. Although silicone and TPE are expensive, they are more durable than dolls made of other materials. Therefore, when choosing a doll, choose silicone or TPE that has a long life span if possible, such as uxdoll’s hot sale huge butt sex dolls, Latino sex doll.

Storage method

The way the doll is stored also has a great impact on the health and longevity of the doll. The doll’s body may develop pressure dents that can lead to cracks and tears. The arms, knees and lower elbow sockets are more sensitive to dents. Therefore, please pay attention to the storage conditions of the doll.

If you buy a sex doll from uxdoll, it will probably last longer (at least 3 to 10 years) as long as it is well taken care of and the above mentioned points are noted. If it is not treated properly, it may not even last more than one year.

How to preserve or maintain the doll?

Now, when knowing that care is the key to keeping sex doll for a long time, some effective tips should be followed: clean the doll regularly and properly; do not use silicone lubricants on the doll, use water-based lubricants.

Silicone & TPE sex doll repair method from uxdoll

July 15th, 2022 | Posted by Admin in Sex Doll - (Comments Off on Silicone & TPE sex doll repair method from uxdoll)

Silicone & TPE sex dolls usually need to be coated with lubricant before use, the sex dolls are delicate, please try to take care of them. It is best not to use violence to avoid unnecessary damage and trouble. Avoid scratching the silicone & TPE with nail and sharp things, it is easy to rupture when used improperly. If the external surface is accidentally scratched or ruptured by sharp objects such as knives and scissors, please repair it with our randomly distributed repair solution. The following are the silicone & TPE sex doll repair tips shared by for you.

  One, to place the sex doll wound area horizontally so that the glue does not flow out from the wound.

  Two, make sure there are no stains such as ash and water in the wound so as not to affect the glue adhesion.

  Three, open the cap of the glue bottle, stick a drop of glue with a toothpick, pick open the wound with the other hand and drip the glue into it, not too much.

Four, after the wound drip into the glue, quickly pinch the wound, wait a while for the wound to stick.

Sex doll repair is a really a very fine job, it is best to stick with a toothpick, if you pick open the wound and poured into the glue then the wound maybe burn into a hole, if the wound is very small, and the right amount of glue dripped into the wound, then after repair it will only leave a thin scar. If the glue drips more, it will make the glue flow to the other place of the doll. It is best to use a thicker piece of paper, cut a hole in the middle that is larger than the wound, then cover the paper on the wound and then repair it, in this way the glue does not drip into places other than the wound.