Since cougars are all the rage now in the dating world in the United States, more and more younger guys are thinking that they will become the next cougar finder in their group of friends. You know what a cougar finder is. He is the kind of guy that older women just can’t resist. Whenever this guy walks into a room, panties drop.
This seems like a very outlandish fantasy, but believe me, cougar finder personalities do exist. There are certain guys that have their way with women and women have a tough time resisting such a guy. If you want to be a cougar finder, then you need to take baby steps. That’s the bottom line because you have to understand that a pick up artist is not born. Some guys who would like to convince you that they are just born that way and that they just have some inborn talent. Don’t believe the bullshit.
The reality is that this is learned behavior. They had to learn from somebody. In many cases, they have to be rejected. They have to go through heartaches. They have to go through all sorts of blows to their egos until they got it right.
The first step, then, to becoming a true blue cougar finder is to decide to learn. That’s the bottom line. If you are able to open your mind to all sorts of challenges and understand that failure will happen, then you are well on your way to becoming the kind of guy that will be able to meet lots of older women and fuck them. That’s the bottom line. It’s all about dealing with your fears. Unfortunately, if you have the wrong expectations you’re simply just setting yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for winning and join