The first thing that drew me to the site was that all of these hot little sluts are insatiable and they seem to be crazy for cock and more importantly they are willing to work hard to suck every ounce of spunk out of each guy full balls. They will share the reward too, the guy-to-girl ratio favors the guys on this site!
A membership to Swallowed is going to give you a front-row seat to the more than 16 different HD videos that the site has so far. They are adding new material regularly, it looks like every 4 days something new comes out. They have also committed to adding 17 new girls every month! All of the girls have a bio that goes with them. It gives all of the important stats and even leaves a few sentences for the girls to get a little more personal. If you hadn’t realized every video on the site is all about cock sucking. These sexy girls come out of some scenes so glazed with spunk that it’s taking all her makeup and making it run down her face. Today you can save 60% with a Swallowed discount.